29 January 2006


First post... Harhar...

My other photography blog, Mju-Mju is a bit limited to one type of camera. These days, I play a lot with my medium format cameras, a Lubitel 166U and a Holga CFN (the one with the coloured flash). So I thought i could have a linked blog for medium format photos, irrespective of which camera they came from. And who knows - I might not always have just a Holga or a Lubi. I used to have a Rolleiflex, which I sold and maybe I'll buy another 6x6 camera if one appears.

How about some photos? Well, as I've mentioned the Rolleiflex, let's kick off with that. This is a photo of St Paul's Cathedral in London, seen from the new "shaky" Millennium bridge. Film was probably Fuji Superia 400. The Rollei was a Rolleiflex 3.5E with a 75mm Planar lens. 75-80mm is a standard lens on 6x6 medium format photos.

This is going to be fun!

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